Lara Croft
Born: England
Hieght 5 feet 7 inches
Hair: Brown
Discoveries: Big Foot
The Lost Ark of the Covenant(in her living room)
The Atlantian Scion
The Dagger of Xian
Lara Croft the daughter or Lord Henshingly Croft, was raised to be an aristocrat. She went
through school and finished at the age of 21. She was assured a partner to wealth. One
day, on her way back from a skiing trip, her plane crashed, she was the only survivor, for
two weeks she lived in the Himalayas alone. Then she found herself in the town of
Tokakeriby, where she found herself to be claustrophobic of the the upper-class british
society, she found that she only truly lived, when she was alone. Over the following 8
years she acquired the knowledge of ancient civilizations across the earth. Her family was
fed up with their daughter, and they cut her funding, Lara was forced to resort to writing
pay for her trips. She continued to write journals and travel guides about her travels.