Top 10 Signs You Play too Much Tomb Raider

10 You know more about Lara Croft then about yourself  
9   When ever you find something cool under the couch, an eerie chime plays in your head
8   You got millions of screen shots from Tomb Raider 2 and plastered you house with them so that your house is identical to Lara's
7   On your Ancient China report for Social Studies, you failed because yours was on the Dagger of Xian
6   You attempted to shove a triangular piece of cardboard labled "Dagger of Xian" into your chest
5   You insisted that right next to your picture is Lara Croft's picture in the year book
4   You insisted that your picture be a picture of Lara Croft in the year book
3   You meaningfully made yourself late for a ferry and drove you're dads motorycycle into the river trying to catch it
2   10 times under different names you've tried out for Eido's Lara Croft model, and once you made it.

Boys Girls

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1   Your first wet dream was abot Lara Croft                      1    You plaster your body with pictures of Lara so                                                                                                  that you more or less resemble her, and go                                                                                                  everywhere like that                     
